Data Center Design

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Data Center Design

“Data Centers house critical computing resources in controlled environments and under centralized management, which enable enterprises to operate around the clock or according to their business needs”. Ultimately data centers need to support the applications that the business uses.


The architect needs to understand how to make technology trade-offs based on the business requirements for the data center. These can be significant investments so proper business cases that examine not only ROI, Rate of Return or other measures of financial ‘feasibility’ of how to provide for basic capabilities need to be analyzed along with a realistic assessment of quality attribute , risk factors in order to make use of the appropriate architectural patterns in the design of the datacenter.

Processes / Information:

The fundamental reason for the creation of a data center is to house process /information for business end users.

Application / End User Services:

The applications / end user services rely on underlying application platform support services, and technology standards need to support the business attributes identified by the business processes.

Application Platform Services:

Application platform services need to support the applications. Typically these provide connectivity (such as network capabilities), storage capability, and processing in capability.

Core Infrastructure Services:

In traditional datacenters core infrastructure services includes network services (e.g. things like Domain Name Server, Dynamic Host Control Protocol, firewalls), processing services (implemented by mid-range servers) and/or data storage services (e.g. SQL server, or directory services).

Physical Components:

It need to be architected and connected to provide core infrastructure services in a physically realized traditional data center.

Premises or facility:

Describes the actual building, its location and essential services (HVAC, security etc.). These factors also need to be considered carefully in data center design.

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