IT Support Services

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IT Support Services

Drive-by IT support requests driving you nuts? Lost in a “ticket tracking” nightmare? Keep on top of IT and make it easy for your users to track their IT needs. Go beyond ticketing: understand (and change!) team behavior… and capture your value to the business.

What We Offer

Our hardware supply and maintenance services cater to every possible technological need that an enterprise might have. We work with multiple reputed brands and source our products from reliable vendors, taking care to adhere to the strict tests and most stringent standards of quality that we pride ourselves on. Our services include:

  • Supply and installation of a variety of different kinds of desktop systems, workstations and servers, all sourced from popular international brands with proven reliability.
  • The supply and installation of enterprise grade Blade server technology.
  • Outsourcing of specific manpower and services according to the needs of particular projects.
  • Supply, deployment and maintenance of POS machines.
  • Comprehensive maintenance services for telephony systems including the option of all-encompassing annual maintenance contracts which address problems instantaneously and prevent downtime.
  • Comprehensive maintenance services for all important IT ingredients like desktop computers, servers, network components including LAN and WAN and user support systems.
  • Generation of periodic hardware health reports and recommendations regarding future upgrades.
  • Carrying out of proactive and preventive maintenance to alleviate escalated costs in the long run dealing with hardware problems of higher scale.
  • Rapid answer to emergency hardware service calls.

Ready to get started?

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Sales: 800-704-4058 (Toll-Free)